Monday, 14 December 2009

Camel Train (Yea VIC)

Photos courtesy of Jan Beer.

Now, this is something you don’t see every day! Unfortunately (very), I was away from home and missed out on seeing this in person.

P.S. These photos were taken on the road just outside our place.


  1. This is amazing! Just what is a camel train for?

    Your blog is so interesting. I just started looking through it today. You have so many nice things to photograph and share.

  2. Thank you for visiting, Dina.

    A camel train is defined as a series of camels carrying goods or passengers. This particular one, I understand, was a Children First fundraiser expedition from Darwin to Melbourne (from the top of Australia to the bottom).

  3. I "was led" to your camels exactly on Three Kings Day. Must be a good sign. :)
    The man is walking to Darwin?? Good luck! Well, at least he can take a lot of gear. A man on a mission.

    So good you give us a map on the side.
    Thanks for coming all the way to JHDP for a visit.

  4. From Darwin to Melbourne, yes. It's a journey of approximately 6,000 kms.

    Camels on Three Kings Day has to be a good sign!
